AN ANNIVERSARY POEM (For my wife Anita, on our 30th. Anniversary) So many years have come and gone! But all their joys remain. New joys presume the year is one, And add links to the chain. I Make mistakes and sometimes say Unkind and hurtful things; Yet, gentle soul, you clear the way. You bind my soul to wings. You do forgive-the reasons why You needn't say ... I know! You guide me to a fairer sky. You set my heart aglow! I never mean to be unkind. The Heavens know I care. You are an Angel in my mind, And you're so sacred there. My Darling, you have been the light That lit so many days! You nurture me; you treat me right In many precious ways! Those days have run to many years, And every day I pray We'll add more years-ignore the cares Which visit ... but don't stay.... I love you, Dear, and my soul sings That in a charming song. To me you are a Prize for Kings, And I shall love you long.... You're still the beacon in my life. I'm proud and happy you're my wife. 12/30/1995 Copyright (c) 1995 by Ronald G. Auguste